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Helping today Helping tommorow
Senior citizens group is projected to comprise 18% per cent of India’s total population by 2025. There are statutory provisions for maintenance of parents under Hindu personal law, and similar laws for other religions. Under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 it is a legal obligation for an heir or children to provide a monthly allowance to her parents as maintenance.
Unfortunately a large part of the population is unaware of them. This results in abuse of elders by family. It is estimated that nearly 25% of the elderly population experiences abuse by their sons, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, but never by daughters. It is ironic that parents feel that birth of a girl child is a burden on them! Most of the cases of abuse are not reported, as the elders want to protect family’s reputation in society.
We reach out to destitute elderly people and help them to overcome poverty; in times of natural calamities such as floods we rescue the very old and very young people, who are the most vulnerable. You can donate for the following causes or volunteer in any of following programs
COVID-19 has had a drastic effect on all our lives, but it has impacted the poor the most. Since the announcement of the lockdown, Breadline Africa has been supporting emergency feeding programmes in poor communities to alleviate hunger.
Wishes and Blessings is a registered trust that connects beneficiaries with donors with an aim to fulfil wishes and spread blessings. We support under resourced NGO’s and institutions that are doing exceptional work in the social sector and help them achieve their objectives to drive change.
Wishes and Blessings works across social demographics, surpassing age and gender barriers. We work with underprivileged children, under-resourced institutions, senior citizens, distressed men, women and anybody in need of help or support.
India has around 100 million elders (people over 60 years of age) and the number is estimated to reach 323 million, or 20 % of the total population, by 2050. Around 33 percent of the elderly live alone or with spouses only. 70 % of the elderly population is illiterate. 90 percent work for livelihood.
Elders have to grapple with financial insecurity, morbidity, loneliness, vulnerability, physical weakness, social isolation and powerlessness. Their children leave them in old age homes as they feel they are a burden and need to take extra care.
We reach out to impoverished senior people and assist them in fighting poverty; in natural disasters like floods, we rescue the most vulnerable people, the very old and very young.
They are sheltered in a free Old Age Home for Elderly Ladies, Poor Old People are fed under Midday Meal Scheme, and abandoned old women are given monthly rations.